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  • Writer's pictureHan Choi

Rocket and Pencil Task.

I created a pencil in Illustrator to start my animation. I decided to stick with a black, grey and white colour pallet. This is because I wanted to make the pencil more realistic.

After I created the pencil in Illustrator, I exported it to Adobe Animate where I decided to draw a curvy line . This is to guide where the pencil moves.

I created a keyframe and then set a classic tween this made the pencil snap onto the curvy line.

Once the pencil was on the line, I placed the pencil at the start of the line in my first frame and then on the last frame I moved the pencil at the end of the line. This made the pencil move along the line. After the pencil was in tween and was animated, I used the ink pen brush and drew frame by frame, I made the red ink follow the pencil in sync.

I then tested the animation and patched the mistakes. This is the final result.

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